If you’re feeling brave, you may want to attempt to take on your fence installation or repair yourself. But a new fence installation has quite a few things to consider before getting started. Turning to the help of a contractor can help keep the following preparations in mind and determine who is responsible for each step:
1. Make some phone calls: Before you dig, you want to make sure there aren’t any utility lines underground in your yard. To ensure you don’t cut out power to your entire neighborhood or cause injury, call local power, gas, water, cable and phone companies to ensure the area is safe. Many companies will even come out to your property and mark the lines for you for free.
2. Know your boundaries: Believe it or not, many property lines overlap. While you may think you know where your property ends and your neighbors’ begin, you could end up building your fence in someone else’s yard, which will cost you. Contact a surveyor to mark your yard and avoid this mistake.
3. Plan for bumps along the way: Few yards are perfectly straight, and you need to account for this. Straight fences will not work on curved surfaces; the design will need to be based on those curves. Your contractor will help you truly visualize the result.
4. Know the code: Check with planning and zoning offices to get a list of guidelines. Many communities have restrictions and regulations on construction projects in the area. You may also need a permit.
We only recommend performing and installation or repair yourself if you have quite a bit of experience doing so in the past. If you need assistance in your fence construction project, don’t hesitate to contact Straight Line Fence to help you every step of the way.
Courtesy of Ply Gem